Thursday, February 10, 2011

Realities of Life !

Each morning, instead of being dropped at school, adolescent son, accompanies dad in quest for a day’s wage. As dad pedals his rickshaw, son sits precariously in front and grabs onto the handle. Through the streets of Feni (a town in Bangladesh) while dad provides locomotion, son’s vision substitutes dad’s blindness to navigate. This duo lives life, not on the fast lane, but on one, of which they are true heroes. A true story of the teeming unsung, living in our midst.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011

As yet another year slips through the unfathomable depths of time, rear view mirror reflects, some of our strides, falling short of expectations, while some yielding more than what we bargained for. A new year has begun and a sense of euphoria encapsulates the human spirit, prompting us, to pledge to best weave through, every pore of the new fabric, that is about to wrap us around as ‘2011’. Happy New Year !